Rocky is a 170lb, 7yr old male Rottweiler! He is an owner surrender due to not having the time for him. Rocky does well with other dogs and humans. When he's in a car he sometimes reacts to motorcycles, semitrucks and some people walking. Rocky is currently on a diet to help maintain healthy joints. He loves his affection and Rocky would love to fill up your house with his presence. His meet and greet is this Sunday March 19th starting at 2pm! If you are interested in making Rocky part of your forever family, please fill out an application for adoption at Rottsoflv.com Click on our menu bar. Click on Forms. Fill it out completely and submit. You will receive an email with a time and location to meet our boy Rocky! Thank you all for your shares and support. If you cannot #Adopt you can become a #Foster If not you can #Volunteer ROLV also appreciates #Donations where you can help support one of our Rottweilers through our website. #rottie #Rottweiler #rotties #rottweilers #adoptdontshop
Such a cute puppy!