Bronco is a 95lb, 16 month old Male Rottweiler. He is good with all adults & kids but does body bumps when excited. Bronco is cat friendly & good some other dogs. He was an owner surrender due to his family moving to Nebraska and couldn't come with. If you would like to Adopt Bronco and make him a part of your family please fill out an application for adoption at Rottsoflv.com Click on the menu bar. Click on Forms. Click on Adoption Application. Fill it out completely and submit it. We will email you a time & address to meet with Bronco and our president of the rescue. Thank you all for your support and shares! Huge shot out to @bigfootpetgrooming for taking great care of our boy Bronco.
Meet & Greet Info:
Sunday, March 20th
Starting at 4pm
P.S. Application must be filled out completely to receive address & time.
Is he still available?