Ava is a 5yr old 95lb. female Rottweiler who is up for adoption. She's an owner surrender due to Ava not liking little dogs and a bite on the little dog. Ava is super friendly and affectionate with all humans. She thinks she's a lap dog. However, we believe her safety it is best if she's the only dog in the household. We have not had her around bigger dogs, but we are open to meet and greets to see if there is potential. ROLV is looking for experienced handlers. Serious Adopters only, please. If you would like to meet Ava to potentially adopt her and make her part of your forever family. Please fill out an application for adoption at Rottsoflv.com Click on the menu bar. Click on Forms. Scroll up and fill out the application completely and submit it. You'll then receive an email with a location and time slot. If you can not adopt, please consider donating to our rescue at Rottsoflv.com Thank you all for your shares and support. ROLV couldn't do it without your help.
â—†Meet & Greet: Sunday, November 17th, 2024
Start Time: 2pm
#Rottweiler #Rottie #Rottweilers #Rotties #supportROLV #adoptdontshop #Adopt #Donate #Foster #Volunteer #lasvegas #dogrescue