Very sad news everyone... 2 of the 4 puppies tested positive for parvo! Blossom & Buttercup are negative. Bubbles & Mojo Jojo have parvo! They both are on IV to stay hydrated and on 5 medications. We have 3 volunteers that are on 8hr rotation with caring for them for the next 48hrs. The ROLV Family is absolutely devastated. If you would please pray for these 2 innocent puppies that did not deserve this. ROLV would greatly appreciate you. 🙏 If you would like to #Donate towards the puppies $800 vet bill. We would appreciate any support. You can Zelle us directly with our email info@rottsoflv.com to receive funds quicker. Or through our website at Rottsoflv.com Thank you all for your support and shares. #Rottweiler #Rottie #Rottweilers #Rotties #supportROLV #rescuerotties #puppies #Foster #Volunteer #adoptdontshop